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About the album

Dreamers is Josiah Clancy’s first officially released album, released January 1st, 2017. This is the first album released worldwide in 2017 (however the music industry refused to acknowledge that information). The album took between 1-2 years to produce.

Aside from the main song, you'll notice the track list references airport and flight references. This is because Josiah started production in 2016 returning from a middle school field trip out of state to the Grand Canyon in which was his first time flying. At the time, one of Josiah's favorite songs was also "Flight" by Tristam and Braken. These factors resulted in the air travel theme of the album.

The first track, "Dreamers" is produced similarly to Alan Walker's "Fade", the key differences being the melody, instruments used, and few drum pattern variances. The song was created to showcase Josiah's beginnings as a solo music producer as he went into high school. It's worth noting that Josiah spent time in middle school taking a music course that the school provided as an extracurricular, alongside taking piano class for all 3 years in the same school.

"Terminal" is the second track of the album. Named after the airport term, the track contains deep house elements such as the wow bass, plucky blip sounds as the melody, and the sequence of chords in the chorus sections. The goal of this track was to highlight Josiah's ability to create unique house music.

"Altitude", another flight term, is the third track of the album signifying departure. The name compliments the dubstep song's rises and drops, which is coincidentally a dubstep pun. This track is the first of the album to contain Josiah's signature drum break used in other works before officially releasing music (2 1/8 kicks, a 1/8 snare, another 1/8 kick, another 1/8 snare, 2 1/16 kicks, then 2 1/8 kicks). To find such music, refer to the Discord server about the old tracks and where to find them.

"Cloud Surfing" is the future-bass track placed fourth in the album. The name is a play on words to crowd surfing, where a person would travel above the crowd at a concert. The track contains various sound design techniques between the melody, classic future house chord synths, and a key change.

"Time Zone", the fifth track of the album, is a reference to the change in time one experiences when traveling around the world. According to feedback Josiah was given, the house beat may resemble "Move It!" by Reel 2 Real and the virtual instrument used may resemble "Sandstorm" by Darude depending on how you listen to the song. Either way, this track is dance club ready!

"737-808" is a reference to the Boeing 737 commercial jet and the Roland TR-808. The sixth track of the album has elements of trap, dubstep, and house music, containing 808 basslines, drum patterns, and other features that make up each mentioned genre.

"Destination", the seventh track, signifies the end of the flight, the end of the journey if you may. The very distinguishable sound of an aircraft's P.A. system can be heard accompanying the melody throughout the song. This is the only song in the album with "lyrics", rather dialogue to give the effect that the listener is instructed about their destination being reached by an aircraft pilot and a GPS system.

"Modern" is the heavy dubstep track in eighth place of the album, influenced by dubstep productions at the time and Mike Morasky's "Ghost of Rattman" from Portal 2 by Valve Corporation. This track's name seemingly diverts from the list of airplane terms used for the previous tracks. The significance of the track name is to refer to the era of dubstep that was coming up, especially the riddim scene. The name is alike an antonym to the next track's name.

"Nostalgia", the second to last track of the album, is more towards the alternative genre pre-2010, heavily inspired by Café Tacvba's "Volver a Comenzar" from the LittleBigPlanet 1 soundtrack. The accumulation of synths used here give a type of nostalgia, at least for Josiah.

"Embrace Yourself MMXVII", the final track, is the 2017 version of Josiah Clancy's first original work "Embrace Yourself". The first version exists only in his files since Josiah redacted his original uploads from YouTube 2015-2016. Lyrics were initially intended to be included, but they remain a work in progress, likely to be included in a later version of "Embrace Yourself" if Josiah intends on completing it.

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